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Taking On Challenges May Be A Good Thing!

Doing individual apple pies was almost a week long activity for some students and just two days for others. This is a picture of one of...

High School Cooking Class: A Recipe for Success,

Do you remember your high school cooking class? Perhaps you have fond memories of whipping up a batch of cookies or perfecting a savory...

What? You Need Me To Teach An AUTO Class??!!!

My secrets to teaching something you know NOTHING about! So this semester at school I'dropped to 1 class. I have some little people to...

How To Teach Cooking When You Can't Use A Kitchen????

Sometimes I need to teach just theory about what is normally a very hands on sensory class. Here is how I teach the theory of cooking...

Fumbling Through A New Lesson.

This semester I taught two grade 9 cooking classes. Part of my Ontario Curriculum is Sustainable Tourism. It feels like a huge topic!...

8 Practical Tips To Set Up Your Classroom

I teach high school. Since I teach a tech (culinary) and need a kitchen usually I have one classroom that I will have all my classes in....

9 Ways To Motivate Your Students This Year!

Sometimes students need a little convincing that the work you are asking them to do is worth it! 1. Explain the bigger picture - why is...

7 Secrets To Teaching When Everyday Is Your 1st Day!

I LOVE supply teaching! With 6 kids it is my favourite way to stay in the classroom but also be available to my family as needed. The...

On The Road To Orlando To AAFCS - What Happened!!

What happens when I take my husband and 6 kids on the road for a week while heading to the AAFCS conference in Orlando? Click on the...

9 Tips For The BEST Vacation Ever!!

I am thinking about summer a bunch!! Mostly how will I manage my 6 kids, but also how will I build memories with them to look back fondly...

My #1 Tip To Make Your Class Memorable

2 Things Students want from your class: Something to share. (talk about/post about) 2. Want to create (made well by them) My secret...

How To Give This School Year A Fiery Finish!

I'm talking the great summer tradition on CAMPFIRES! Everybody camps in Canada! From the city dwellers, small towners, suburbanites, 1st...

My Tips On Ending The School Year Well!

My tips for the last week of school: Make cleaning and closing the kitchen part of their mark but DON'T make it the last day of school!...

Why beauty matters in your classroom!

Making beautiful things is important! Taking time, developing a skill matters, it is not just subjective taste based thing, it is a...

4 Amazing Websites To Kick Off Your Budgeting Unit

Some great financial literacy websites to kick off budgeting units, this is mostly USA specific data: - a bunch...

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7 pages of scaffolded notes
Add a heading (1)
Kitchen Equipment (1)
8 sectors of tourism
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pasta posters for the family consumer science or cooking classroom
Regional Foods Of The USA Flap/Flip Book For FCS and ProStart Classes
Discovering Flavours In Foods For FCS and ProStart Classes
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