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  • forkandknifeteache

How To Keep Distracted Students Focused In The Classroom!

Maybe it's Spring Break or you about to head into summer. The sun is shining and students start to focus on life outside the classroom. Here's how to keep their head in the game.

1. Chunk It - Break down class into chunks of activity and post it. (Instruction | Set Up | Lab | Clean Up)

2. Delegate - Start calling on those students to jump in and lend a hand (carry in those groceries from your car)

3. Simple Language - Keep your language simple and straight forward.

4. Use pictures/posters when possible - Put those thousand words you want to say into pictures (ex. how to carry a knife, no phones in lab)

5. Mark Them - When I have to do big clean ups at end of year or before breaks I get out my Cleaning Checklist & Rubric.

6. Take It Outside - Show students how to cook over an open flame. Break out the BBQ, set up your outdoor grill or even better, Make a Camp Fire!

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